Peer Support

Peer support is a safe, none judgmental environment where you work with a peer specialist to take positive steps in managing your mental health. A peer specialist is a trained mental health professional who has a mental health or substance abuse diagnosis. A peer specialist has found routines and coping skills to overcome the obstacles that often come with living with a mental health condition. A peer specialist helps you in your recovery by empathizing and relating to you through lived experience with mental health. Peer support offers a safe setting to promote recovery, wellness, and self-advocacy. With a peer specialist you will develop new skills and learn new tools to help you in your recovery journey.

Peer support empowers you to make your own goals in recovery and work towards those goals in a healthy and safe setting. The peer specialist will help guide you towards your set goals through peer counseling, teaching of new skills, role modeling, and by sharing of their lived experience. Peer support offers you the opportunity to take control of your own recovery with the full support of someone who has been in a similar situation.

Peer support can be used on its own, or can be used to aid someone in their recovery process along with therapy and medications. The whole purpose of peer support is to teach you that recovery is possible and assist you on your wellness and recovery journey.
